Terms and Conditions

While using Find That Ride, we ask that you agree to the following Terms and Conditions for this site. If you do not agree to the following Terms and Conditions, we ask that you discontinue use of this site. If you continue to use this site, you are agreeing to the terms listed below. If you have any questions, please contact us at findthatride@gmail.com


This site is provided “as-is” with no warranty of functionality, availability, accuracy, or quality. In the event that there is an issue with any of the above items, no warranty is given that such issue will be corrected.


Find That Ride allows for a limited license for you to access and use this site, but not to download any content (other than browser caching) or modify it, without the express written consent of Find That Ride.

Find That Ride may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without express written consent.


Find That Ride, or any 3rd party provider, will not be held accountable or liable for any damages caused by the use or inability to use the Find That Ride website.


Find That Ride takes security and privacy very seriously. Our privacy policy can be found here, which you are welcome to read: Privacy Policy

While Find That Ride takes many steps to protect private personal data, Find That Ride will not be held accountable or liable for any damages caused by a leak of any private information.


You may purchase a membership to Find That Ride. Once the purchase is complete, this sale is considered final and Find That Ride does not offer any warranty in terms of the additional access provided as part of this membership. Find That Ride may, at any time, change the terms of membership, including cost or membership duration. If any of these items change while you have an active membership, Find That Ride will honor the original terms of the subscription until the term of the current paid subscription has expired.